Heavy Equipment/Diesel Technology

Tool Policy

Students will use Snap-on Tools, supplied by LBCC at the Advanced Transportation Technology Center (ATTC) during their training. All students entering the program will be assessed a $1,500 tool fee per term during the first year of the program: three terms, for a total of $4,500. Upon successful completion of all first-year program classes with a grade of C or better, students will be awarded the Diesel Student Tool set. While enrolled in the LBCC Diesel program students may purchase additional Snap-on tools with a student discount through the Snap-On account representative for the ATTC.

Patrick Brooks

Students who fail or drop out of the program will be awarded a partial tool voucher for each tool course fee that has been assessed and collected by LBCC. To qualify for a partial tool voucher, the student must make arrangements with the Diesel instructor staff at the ATTC within one term of taking their last Diesel class. In cases of extreme hardship, a partial tool cash refund may be considered through a petition process initiated by the Admissions Office in Takena Hall at the Albany campus. Tool vouchers can then be redeemed by contacting Patrick “Mike” Brooks of Snap-on Industrial Tools at patrick.brooks@snapon.com or 541-514-5482.