Heavy Equipment/Diesel Technology

Student Sponsorships & Cooperative Work Experience

Our industry partner companies have internal programs sponsoring students in the Heavy Equipment/Diesel Technology program. To get started, apply directly to the company; if accepted, the organization will provide you with financial support as you progress through the program. In return, you agree to work for the sponsoring company during your school breaks and continue with them as an employee after graduation. The specific sponsorship program details vary according to the company.

Examples of Past Sponsors

  • Papé Agriculture and Turf
  • Papé Material Handling
  • Papé Kenworth
  • Republic Services
  • TEC Equipment
  • Ag West
  • Yamhill County Transit

Cooperative Work Experience

Students enrolled in the Heavy Equipment and Diesel programs are required to perform a Cooperative Work Experience (CWE). This is a course where the classroom is the job-site, and the business supervisor is the instructor. Your CWE coordinator will work to ensure the continuity of effort among student, business, and LBCC as you work to complete your CWE requirement.

Currently, a student must perform six credit hours of CWE to meet the minimum degree requirements. One credit hour is awarded for each satisfactorily completed block of 30 hours at the CWE employer’s job-site.

The following companies have supported Heavy Equipment/Diesel and Construction and Forestry students earn their CWE requirements:

  • Altec
  • Benton County Public Works
  • Coastline Equipment
  • Corvallis Public Works
  • George VanDyke Trucking
  • Knife River
  • Papé Ag and Turf
  • Papé Kenworth
  • Papé Material Handling
  • Peterson Cat
  • Peterson Trucks
  • Ram Trucking
  • Republic Services
  • SS Equipment
  • TEC Equipment
  • Yamhill County Transit
  • Heavy Equipment