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Reporting Concerns at LBCC

LBCC is committed to creating the most supportive environments for teaching, learning, and service to the community. We encourage members of our community to share concerns so we can help offer resources, services, and supports to contribute to these goals. Safety at LBCC and in our communities is everyone’s responsibility. By recognizing and reporting behavior you believe to be a potential concern, you can help our community members get the assistance and services they might need.

For emergencies, please contact 911. Once you’ve completed your notification to 911, if the situation allows, please also alert Public Safety at 541-926-6855 (this number is monitored 24 hours a day).

Mandatory reporting: LBCC employees have additional responsibilities under state law to report suspected child abuse to the Department of Human Services or law enforcement. This responsibility is in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Reports can be made by contacting the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline at 1-855-503-SAFE (7233).

Refer to the Student Referral Guide to identify the best resources for connecting students.

Below are various types of concerns that may be reported and additional resources for reporting those concerns. 

Report an Accident or Injury

Use this form to report accident, injuries, or medical incidents that happen on College property or at College-related activities or events. Accident or Injury reports should be completed within 24 hours of the incident. Please note: This form should be completed for any accident, injury, or medical incident, regardless of other claims that may also be submitted concurrently (e.g. Workers’ Compensation).

For information about Safety and Emergency Readiness planning, please review Public Safety’s site on Safety Plans.

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Report Suspicious/Concerning Activity

We all have a responsibility to help support a campus that is safe and provides opportunities for students to learn. If you see behavior or activity that is concerning, we encourage you to report it to the College. You can see more about services and support that Public Safety provides here. Please note that this report form should be used in instances where another reporting form available is not appropriate (for example, concerns for students should use the CARE Referral form, or concerns about student behavior should use the Report Student Misconduct form).

To report a non-emergency, please use the button below or contact Public Safety via the duty phone (24/7) at 541-926-6855.

To report behavior that is more urgent or an emergency, please contact 911 or the Public Safety duty phone.

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CARE Referral/Report a Concern for a Student

Students may experience physical, financial, academic, mental health, personal crises, or unexpected life events that are impacting their ability to navigate school successfully. The CARE Team will coordinate and collaborate with available LBCC and community resources to help students attain their educational goals. 

Several resources, including 24/7 hotlines, are also available to help students navigate personal health and well-being concerns.

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Report Unlawful Harassment, Discrimination, or Retaliation

Students, staff, and faculty are protected from unlawful harassment, discrimination, and retaliation; more information is available in LBCC’s Nondiscrimination and Nonharassment policies.

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Report Sexual Misconduct

Linn-Benton Community College takes a proactive stance against sexual harassment and other forms of sexual misconduct per the Nondiscrimination and Nonharassment policies as well as the Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Code. Sexual misconduct includes gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Both students and LBCC faculty or staff can report sexual misconduct.

Check here for more information about LBCC’s information regarding Title IX.

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Report Academic Misconduct

Academic dishonesty are behaviors that include, but are not limited to, such acts as forgery, changing or misuse of college documents and records of identification, cheating, plagiarism, aiding or abetting cheating or plagiarism, knowingly furnishing false information to the College, violating copyright or trademark, or copying College software.

Click here for more information about the Academic Integrity and Honesty policy and process at LBCC.

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Report Student Misconduct

Students and student organizations are expected to abide by the Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Code in order to help maintain an educational learning and working environment for all. Anyone can submit a non-emergency report of alleged student misconduct using this form. Please note that we may be limited in our ability to follow up with anonymous reports.  

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Report a Complaint Against the College

LBCC is committed to providing a quality educational experience for students. Students have a right to know information relevant to their success as a student. If anyone believes that the College is not following its own rules, policies, or procedures, they can share that information by reporting it. The goal of the complaint process is to understand the reporting party’s perspective and seek to find appropriate resolution for all parties involved.

See the Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Code for more information about the Student Complaint process or concerns regarding employee performance, including allegations of faculty or staff misconduct, grade appeals and appeals of academic integrity outcomes, or quality of instruction complaints and procedures.

Student, staff, or community members can submit a report about concern regarding an employee’s performance using this form.

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Report a Website Concern

If you find a broken link, grammatical or spelling error, outdated information, or other concern regarding the LBCC website, please report those here.