Getting Materials

Course Reserves (Borrowing Textbooks)

The LBCC Library's Reserves collection assists students who may be in need of a short-term loan of a class book or textbook. While the collection has many textbooks, it does not have all books used in all LBCC courses. The Library encourages students to use the collection to aid them when waiting for financial aid or for their textbooks to arrive in the bookstore; it is generally not a good practice to rely upon the collection for an entire term as a particular reserve book might have to be shared amongst 20-60 students.

Reserve items generally check out for either two hours or one week.  Two-hour items must remain in the building. There is a photocopier and a book scanner in the Albany campus library. The HOC library in Lebanon has a scanner located near the emergency exit.  LBCC students are expected to comply with copyright laws. Making copies of short passages for personal use may fall within fair use.

Please note that, in accordance with the library's circulation policy,  significant or repeated failure to return library items (including technology) may result in suspension of a library user's borrowing privileges.


What if the Library doesn't have a book I need for a class?

  • Ask your instructor to see if a copy of the item may be placed in the Library's Reserves collection.

  • Contact the Roadrunner Resource Center ( for assistance if you can't afford your course materials.