Nursing | LBCC


A professional Registered Nurse (RN) works with health care providers and patients in a variety of settings. Nurses are an essential part of the health care team in the delivery of preventive and restorative care.

The Nursing Program at LBCC prepares its graduates for a rewarding career in the profession by teaching current evidence-based concepts and competencies in nursing theory and practice, developing clinical and critical thinking skills, and shaping a strong work ethic, particularly in regard to safe and culturally-sensitive patient care, accuracy, professionalism, and continuing education.

Students acquire clinical experience in a variety of ways. The on-campus Nursing Skills Lab is a primary learning resource which utilizes individual learning stations and human simulation mannequin (HSM) scenarios. Within the surrounding community, our students participate in clinical education with several agencies including public health, long-term care, and hospital facilities.

Three students working with patient manikin
Classroom with patient manikins in beds


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The LBCC Nursing Program has been approved to provide nursing education by the Oregon State Board of Nursing (OSBN). National Accreditation is an elective process that schools of nursing may undergo and the LBCC Nursing Program does not hold national accreditation at this time.

LBCC received the maximum eight-year approval from OSBN in 2022. For inquiries, OSBN may be contacted at 971-673-0685.

Program Outcomes & Student Achievement

Program Outcome Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Class of 2023
NCLEX-RN First Time Pass Rates 95.6% 100.0% 96.9%
Program On-Time Completion Rates 72.0% 82.0% 59.6%