Automotive Technology

Student Stories

Wondering what your career journey might look like with an automotive technology degree? Here’s how this LBCC student experienced it.

Kyle Dickson

"I entered the automotive program at LBCC not knowing a lot about vehicles. I had only really done minor repairs on my own vehicles. The automotive program helped me discover a passion for working on vehicles. The program was fast-paced and very hands-on. The professors do a great job at explaining all the different components and concepts of how a vehicle works in and out of the classroom.

Throughout the program, I was able to get to a point where I was comfortable diagnosing vehicles on my own. This helped me to be able to succeed at my current job, where I am now the head mechanic. I was also taught about how to write-up any job I do. This is a large part of the job that’s overlooked. Thankfully the professors at Linn Benton do a fantastic job of going over how to properly make a write-up on a repair job.

In the next few years I plan on working as a mechanic at my current shop. I hope to return to LBCC for their Electric vehicle program once it gets up and running. Farther down the road, I hope to be teaching automotive at either a high school or college. I enjoy learning and helping others learn, and I’m excited to see this program grow even more."

Photo of Kyle Dickson