Upcoming NWCCU Visit | LBCC

Upcoming NWCCU Visit

The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) will perform a comprehensive accreditation visit to Linn-Benton Community College on October 11-13, 2023. The purpose of the visit is to evaluate LBCC's compliance with NWCCU accreditation standards and policies. During the visit, an NWCCU peer evaluation team will be meeting with students, faculty, staff, and the board of education.

Before this evaluation visit, members of the public may provide comments on LBCC's qualifications for accreditation. To be considered, all comments must be signed and delivered to NWCCU ten days prior to the visit (Oct. 1, 2023). Comments should be submitted via the online form or mailed to:
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
8060 165th Ave NE, Ste. 200
Redmond, WA 98502

Signed comments are forwarded, as received, to LBCC, the evaluation committee, and NWCCU.

LBCC is currently regionally accredited through NWCCU and previously had its accreditation reaffirmed in 2016.

This announcement is posted per requirements of NWCCU Policy, Public Notification and Third Party Comments Regarding Year Seven Evaluations. More information can be found at the NWCCU website or by contacting NWCCU.
