To positively impact employee health and retention by providing a vehicle to supplement
exhausted leave accruals for persons experiencing significant health related challenges.
Bargaining Unit Employees
Compensation provisions for bargaining unit employees are subject to their respective
collective bargaining agreements, and shall be governed by those agreements.
Administrative Provisions
Eligibility to Contribute to the Reserve
Annually renewable management, exempt, and confidential employees with paid leave
balances in excess of eighty (80) hours, may contribute up to fifty (50) hours of
paid leave time to a pooled reserve to be used as sick leave by the recipient. The
donor must retain a balance of at least eighty (80) hours of paid leave accrual after
making a donation.
Eligibility to Draw from the Reserve
The pooled reserve shall be available to annually renewable management, exempt, and
confidential employees who:
- Have been absent from work with a physician’s certification for at least eighty (80) hours of work (for initial qualification), in a given three (3) calendar months as a result of a particular illness or injury; or
- Have been absent for 80 hours of work due to OFLA/FMLA parental leave; or
- Have been absent for 80 hours of work due to OFLA/FMLA leave related to the serious illness/injury of a family member, and
- Have exhausted their existing sick leave and paid leave accruals.
- Exceptions to provisions a. through d. above may be made with the expressed approval of the applicable Division VP or college executive.
Eligibility to draw hours from the pool will end:
- For those using the reserve for their own illness and injury, when the employee becomes able to fully return to work or the employee has received two months of benefits under the long-term disability insurance plan, whichever occurs first. Once an employee becomes eligible for the Long Term Disability benefit, the employee’s benefit under the pool will be limited to the number of hours required to make up the difference between their LTD benefit and their regular rate of pay.
- For those using the reserve for OFLA/FMLA parental leave or an OFLA/FMLA illness of a family member, when the OFLA/FMLA leave ends or when they have received 40 hours of pooled hours, whichever occurs first.
Pooled Reserve Limitations
The total number of hours held in the pooled reserve shall not exceed fifteen hundred
(1500) hours. If offers of hours exceed the need to stock or replenish the pooled
reserve, offered hours will be accepted from employees in order of those employees
with the highest leave balances. Hours donated to the pooled reserve cannot be reclaimed.
Soliciting Donations
Human Resources, in consultation with MESA leadership, shall develop and publish procedures
to implement the pooled reserve process to assure transparency and consistency of
administration. The developed procedures shall require Human Resources to provide
a semi-annual notice to qualifying employees of their option to donate to the pooled
reserve. To meet individual needs that may arise, Human Resources may opt to solicit
and accept donations that otherwise comply with this Administrative Rule at times
other than the posted semi-annual times, but Human Resources is not required to advertise
or solicit donations more than twice per calendar year.
DATE OF ADOPTION: 05/15/2023